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Anne was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1933.

She was one of a family of eight siblings.  Four brothers; Paddy, Jim, Des, and Eamon.  And she had three sisters, Jo, May, and Edie.

She is survived by Edie and Eamon who both live in Ireland.

She was a traditional Irish girl of her time.  A staunch Roman Catholic with a great love of Ireland and the Irish language.

She worked in the Irish Civil Service after completing her School Leaving Certificate (1951) until she emigrated to Canada in 1969.

She then worked in the Canadian Civil Service until she retired.

She had a great interest in clothes and she always kept up with the latest fashion.

She was also very fond of Canada and her relations and friends there.

She visited Ireland every year from 1970 until 2016, but she still kept in touch with Ireland until 26th January ’25 and was interested in Canadian, Irish, and world affairs till then.

She very much appreciated the care and attention given to her by her niece Tara, particularly since she began to decline in the last two years.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.


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